
Making art with Pure Data (at LIFT - Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto)
Discover the possibilities of Pure Data (Pd), a powerful tool for making interactive installations, video art, audio art. Pure Data is a graphical-based media programming language, similar to the well-known program Max/MSP, but free and open source. Pure Data is most commonly used in immersive and interactive installations as well as live video mixing/vj events, and allows artists to interact with the real world through live camera feeds, audio, video, motion sensors and other sources, or create synthesizers and video mixers. This workshop will focus on using Pd for video, and will also discuss things such as audio and physical computing.
Each participant works at an individual iMac station. Students should be familiar with the Mac interface. No previous experience with Pure Data required. Students are encouraged to bring in their own projects.
Next session: April 10 and 12, 2012 - 18:00 pm - 22:00 pm |

Video and photo workshops for Youth
Proposal by e-fagia collective involving the participation of teenagers in the creation and production of a visual and media art project. Our aim is to work with youth from the multinational community living in Toronto. While the project started with a group of teenagers from Latin American origin, we have currently invited youth from other cultural backgrounds.
The activities undertaken in this project will focus around creating interventions in public space. These interventions are conceived as an interruption of normal life, the creation of ephemeral art actions. Our art projects are non-intrusive and non-structural.
Through our visual and media projects teenagers use their own experience as a platform to examine immigration and identity. These projects will help them to understand the connections between community, urban tribes and global themes. This project will also help them to learn how use art and media as tools for self-expression, dialogue, and community engagement. |
Talks and Workshops |
Interactive Art with Pure Data. LIFT (April, June)
Artist Talk. School Figueroa Alcorta, Cordoba, Argentina.
Artist Talk. Metro University, Cordoba, Argentina.
Artist Talk. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina.
Artist Talk: Museo de Arte Moderno, Barranquilla, Colombia.
Artist Talk. Fort-Da. Matiz-Nuance MultiArts. Cinecyle, Toronto.
Artist Talk. Videophagia, HotShot Gallery, Toronto.
Talk and programming workshop "Análisis y Estética de la Narrativa del Video Arte Curatorial", Bienal Arte NuevA Interactiva Merida, Mexico
Video workshop - Mayan Idenity: A creative approach.. Bienal Arte NuevA Interactiva Merida, Mexico.
Video and photography workshops for immigrant youth in Parkdale. e-fagia.
Artist Talk, Latin American Speaker Series, A Space Gallery, Toronto. |
178 Jameson Ave, Unit 5 Toronto, Ontario, CA - 416 5710231 - julieta.spirits[at]gmail.com |